Working in pharma can be incredibly rewarding, but it’s also a fast-paced, demanding environment. Pharma and biotech workers know all too well how the industry’s long hours, tight deadlines and high-stakes projects can lead to burnout.
Recent research backs this up, with O.C. Tanner’s 2023 Global Culture Report finding that 48% of surveyed pharma employees reported exhaustion, while 30% felt emotionally frustrated.
One approach gaining traction is the adoption of workplace food programs: providing on-site meals in order to nourish and fuel these talented, hard-working employees.
The value of food perks in combating burnout
According to ezCater’s Food for Work Report, which surveyed 600 workplace leaders and 1,005 on-site employees, workplace food programs show clear benefits:
- 52% of employees prioritize food benefits over flexible work arrangements (40%) or educational benefits (21%)
- 90% say free food makes them feel more positive about their employer
- 88% of business leaders report that providing food encourages their employees to work on-site
These figures show how a catered meal goes a long way to retaining top talent and creating a better workplace. As such, it’s an efficient strategy for organizations looking to boost morale and productivity while supporting employee energy levels.
How free food supports employee productivity
Employee well-being is crucial, but organizations can’t ignore the industry’s competitive demands. However, ezCater’s research shows that stepping away for an employer-provided meal helps employees recharge mentally and physically, leading to greater productivity. How? Employees often eat better when provided with a catered meal.
For example, 65% of employees without access to on-site food replace meals with snacks, while 48% skip meals entirely. They also spend time traveling for food, leaving less time to rest during breaks.
In contrast, catered meals and employee meal programs provide tangible benefits. Research from the Food For Work Report found that 80% of employees say free meals save them money, 70% say they save time, and 48% say they get a real break. Combined, these benefits reduce stress for 59% of employees.
Boosting retention through appreciation
It’s not just mental and physical exhaustion that leads to burnout. Workers who don’t feel appreciated struggle to connect with their employer’s mission. In pharma and biotech, this lack of productivity can see companies fall behind employee-focused organizations.
Providing food perks is one of the best ways to boost retention and strengthen camaraderie. ezCater’s research found that 89% of employees felt appreciated when free food was available. Similarly, 46% of employees are more likely to stay with a company offering food perks.
Creating community and collaboration over meals
Another positive outcome of catered meals is how they bring teams closer together. Emerging hybrid and remote work practices have seen new hurdles rise around creating a cohesive workforce. However, catered food is a powerful driver of on-site attendance.
According to business leaders surveyed, 88% report that providing food encourages their employees to work on-site. This was reflected in ezCater case studies featuring leading pharma and biotech organizations, such as Vor Biopharma and BioAgilytix.
Employees will attend the office for provided meals, while orderers reported a significant uptick in employees sitting together for lunch. Meanwhile, BioAgilytix’s incentive programs using meal catering helped drive employee attendance and productivity.
Why pharma companies choose ezCater
Addressing burnout remains a nuanced challenge for pharma and biotech companies, but ezCater is a smart option for reducing employee stress. Featuring diverse meal options, catering to varying dietary restrictions and complex orders is hassle-free.
Staying on top of your catering budget is also simple, with expense tracking and centralized digital receipts offering robust oversight. With stellar local options in every corner of the country, businesses can also use ezCater to support their immediate communities.
Enhance workplace culture with ezCater
Preventing burnout and retaining talent is crucial for pharma and biotech businesses. With powerful solutions like ezCater helping leaders save time and increase employee satisfaction, providing free meals is wise for forward-thinking operations.
As the research shows, a free meal enhances company culture, drives productivity, and improves retention. Adopting this simple strategy can be an effective way to reduce employee stress while elevating performance. Meet your team’s needs with ezCater’s flexible catering solutions today.