Feeding Eaters with Egg Allergies at the Office [Infographic]
- Sarah Gurr
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- 3 Min Read
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It’s not uncommon to encounter someone with celiac disease or a food allergy, or self-professed vegetarians, on your list of event invitees. In fact, most workplaces expect to accommodate the dietary needs of their employees these days. While gluten gets plenty of attention, and dairy was just in the news, accounts of egg allergies tend to be lesser known.
Eggs have a funny way of weaseling their way into almost every dish, whether it’s breads, pastas, cereals, or pastries. This makes building a catering menu void of eggs a daunting task. Steer clear of those standard, prepackaged meals that seem too good to be true, as they’re often rife with ingredients that people with egg allergies would run from. Creating a meal that is safe for those with special diets requires you to be vigilant, especially when food allergies are involved. Opting out of serving egg-white or whole-egg omelets isn’t enough, not when powdered egg lurks in some foods. Food Allergy Research & Education warns that egg allergies likely stem from the proteins found in egg whites, though in rare cases egg yolk proteins do appear to trigger allergic reactions. Those with an egg allergy must avoid eggs completely, in all its tricky forms. While most children with an allergy to eggs outgrow the allergy by the age of sixteen, according to a study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, you’ll want to confirm any and all food allergies with your group before placing an order, as egg allergies sometimes continue on to adulthood.
Sticking to dietary-friendly cuisines and identifying allergen-free dishes with labels are both effective strategies for accommodating food allergies at the office. You must also communicate clearly with your caterer when tackling egg allergies as some dishes are impossible to control for eggs. Luckily caterers are better prepared to fight the good fight with health-conscious egg substitutions like yogurt, applesauce, and other purees. Help keep your colleagues safe by getting familiar with the villains and the heroes in this egg allergy tale. Ahead, we’ll discuss how to manage this particular dietary restriction in your next catering order and provide some inspiration for drumming up a meal everyone enjoys.
Roll on over to an ezCater caterer to start planning your next allergen-friendly meal.